Thursday, 20 February 2014

Financial Manager, Job at IMA World Health - in Uganda

Position title: Financial Manager
Job Location: Uganda
The Employment Type: Full Time
The Department: Conditional Funding
The Priority: Conditional -- Funding

Brief job Description:
IMA World Health is currently seeking a Financial Manager to support the anticipated USAID funded project, Uganda Systems Strengthening for Health Commodities in Uganda.

Major Responsibilities and Duties:
  • Accounting/financial management and office administration of the IMA Uganda office.
  • Oversee the administrative and financial management, accountability requirements and human resources management of the office.
  • Assure the contractual integrity of all agreements entered into by the office, managing the procurement process and looking out for the interests of the organization.
  • Provide technical assistance to staff in implementing and complying with financial and administrative procedures to ensure compliance with regulations and serve as the financial liaison to IMA Headquarters, local NGOs, other implementing partners and implementing units.
Skills and Qualifications:
  • Master’s degree or higher in Business Administration, Finance, Accounting or other relevant field.
  • At least eight years experience in administrative and financial management of large international projects including experience in management of USG projects.
  • Familiarity with compliance to Federal Acquisition Regulations.
  • Demonstrated experience and skills in developing and managing large budgets.
  • Proficient in relevant computer applications and databases.
  • Strong analytical, oral and written communication skills.
  • This position is a local hire position and Ugandan nationals are encouraged to apply.
How to apply for this JOB 
Apply from: Employers website
The Application Closing date: Saturday, 15 March 2014
December 06, 2013 - March 15, 2014

Consultancy - Pastoralist Resilience Partnership Coordinator (BRACED program), Multiple Countries

Position title:  Consultancy - Pastoralist Resilience Partnership Coordinator (BRACED program)

Organisation: Action Against Hunger - ACF International
Location: Multiple Countries
Type: Contracted
Min. Experience: Experienced
Pastoralist Livelihoods, Rights and Resources: Creating Resilience to Drought for 640,000
Cross Border Populations in Kenya and Uganda's Karamoja Cluster

1. The Background
DFID has launched a global call for application for Building Resilience and Adaptation to Climate Extremes and Disaster Programme (BRACED). BRACED is expected to directly benefit up to 5 million vulnerable people, especially women and children, in developing countries by helping them become more resilient to climate extremes. In its first phase it will deliver interventions in up to 10 countries in the Sahel and DFID focal countries at most risk and will be achieved through grants to NGOs and their partners (local government, research organizations, UN agencies and private sector) by scaling up proven technologies and practices; develop research and evaluation to build the evidence on what works on adaptation and DRR; and build national and international capacity to respond to climate related disasters. The grant will primarily focus on building the resilience of households and communities in DFID focal countries by improving and diversifying livelihoods, developing shared management systems of resources critical to resilience (water, rangelands, and forests) and embedding disaster risk reduction and adaptation into climate change and development responses.
A Partnership led by Action Against Hunger (ACF-USA), and composed of implementing partners Danish Refugee Council – Danish Demining Group (DRC-DDG), International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) and a number of local and research partners, submitted an initial concept note under Component B of BRACED, and has been invited by DFID to initiate a Project Development Phase to take the concept note to full proposal for submission in July 2014. The Pastoralist Resilience Partnership (PReP)'s proposal is for £7,260,832 accountable grant for a project to support pastoral and agro pastoral communities, particularly women, in the remote areas of Karamoja region in Uganda and West Pokot and Turkana counties in Kenya to build their resilience to climate extremes and disasters.
The proposed action is organized around four principal and interlinked areas of work, namely 1) drought resilient livelihoods, 2) natural resource management, 3) enhanced governance and reduced conflict, and 4) research and advocacy. PReP proposes an innovative model that combines improvement of a) climate information services, b) sustainable and climate-resilient livelihoods options, c) gender equity, and d) sustainable natural resource management. PReP has a wealth of experience relevant to the BRACED in the Karamoja Cluster upon which the proposed action will be built.
At this junction, PReP is looking for an experienced DFID grant writer (or team of more than one) with an excellent understanding of Building Resilience and Adaptation to Climate Extremes and Disasters in the context of Kenya and Uganda's Karamoja Cluster.

2. The Overall Objective of Proposal Development Phase
During February to July 2014, PReP will elaborate the full project design, establish effective partnerships, consolidate a strong baseline, undertaking research and piloting activities to strengthen the analysis and evidence base for the design, and develop a full proposal for submission to DFID.

3.The Specific Objectives of the Development Phase
  • Establish the Partnership (internal governance structure) and collaborations (external, regional, national and local authorities, UN and INGOs) needed to implement the project activities at a full scale.
  • Undertake pilot work and studies, to provide more evidence on the costs and benefits of the proposed approaches, including details on the unit costs of proposed actions. This will be essential evidence for the assessment of full proposals.
  • Consolidate a strong baseline and develop a results framework with milestones, targets, and clear theory of change and an evaluation framework in partnership with wider BRACED programme.
  • Document lessons learnt and best practices that can be shared under the knowledge management component. These should be made available/published in the public domain by the end of the project development period.
  • Complete the writing up of the full proposal taking into account all the above
4. The Purpose of the Assignment
The role of the consultant is to lead the development of a successful submission through a design process building on the early design work in the concept note and engaging PReP members at the Headquarters, Region, and Country Office levels; and through the actual writing of the proposal.

5. The Methodology
  • A small technical team composed of a pastoral livelihoods expert, study lead and M&E expert will be formed to provide technical backstopping and oversight of the Proposal Development Phase (PDP). The consultant is expected to lead this team of expertise during the development phase.
  • Intensive engagement and development of partnerships with government authorities, regional institutions and a range of other collaborative partners will be at the heart of this exercise. This is expected to take place through in person bilateral meetings, workshops and other appropriate forms of lobbying and engagement.
  • Desk reviews and primary data collection will be undertaken to produce study and scoping reports
  • There are multiple stakeholders engaged in this Proposal Development Phase, and through coordination support from PReP, the consultant will be expected to manage inputs across country, regional, and headquarters levels for all Partnership members. The country teams of the partners will support the consultant with country-level coordination.
  • The BRACED Concept Note is the primary reference document for the full proposal; hence the proposal development process should ensure coherence across the two documents.
6. The Key Deliverables
(i) Work-plan for Proposal Development Phase.
The Proposal Development Phase involves multiple stakeholders and activities in order to produce development phase outputs and a credible final proposal. The consultant will be required to develop a work-plan for PReP to fulfill the requirements of this period including an appropriate timeline for proposal development (including baselines, pilot activities etc.) to allow maximum consultation on drafts across the partnership at all levels.
(ii) Engagement of regional bodies and government authorities in PReP project development.
The creation of sub-national government buy-in at project development phase is a critical precondition to the launch of the full project. Intensive outreach activities to sub-national government will build on the strength of existing partner relationships to secure agreement on the nature and scope of government partnership, develop coordination mechanisms and establish working relationships, while also identifying risks to these partnership arrangements. The achievement of this deliverable will be demonstrated through signed MoU documents, records of sessions and attendance of government bodies in PReP meetings, project monitoring reports showing level of government and regional body resources committed to PReP, and Framework agreements with national government to authorize and guide roles of sub-national authorities.
(iii) Engagement of other key collaborators in PReP e.g. private, semi-private, CSOs and other relevant stakeholders.
Other key alliances and partnerships necessary to implementing the project at scale will be established and serve as key entry points to the communities. This will be done through the development of alliances with private and semi-private, civil society and political actors. Various collaborators are already identified on the basis of existing PReP partner experience and have demonstrated their intent to collaborate.
Other activities will include the definition of roles and responsibilities, coordination mechanisms and internal Partnership governance structure with collaborating and implementing partners. The achievement of this deliverable will be demonstrated through the design and delivery of a Cross Border Inception Workshop with PReP partners, presence of a Workshop Report and signed MoU documents.
(iv) Undertaking of pilot work and studies to provide evidence on costs, risks and benefits of proposed PReP approaches.
The consultant will supervise the undertaking of pilot work and studies for evidence on costs, risks and benefits of proposed approaches. It will increase understanding of the operational environment through gathering of lessons learnt and best practice on comparable programming experience, such as the Drought Early Warning System (DEWS) in Karamoja and the DRRAP cross-border CMDRR approach in Kenya and Ethiopia, and produce a good practice review to inform strategic design and risk analysis.
A Household Socioeconomic Baseline study; a Market Feasibility study for dairy, leather, abattoir and meat value chains; and Community Action Plans will be undertaken and reports produced to establish baselines and inform strategic design. Pilot work involving new technologies for Market Information Systems (MIS) and weather alerts will be done. Lastly, a mapping of the scope of existing government development plans and community NRM, DRR and preparedness plans will be carried out.Pilot works and studies will need to feed into the design process. The consultant (and their team) will work with partners to bring studies to publishable standard, to draw out analysis relevant to informing project design, and to make recommendations for project design based on this evidence.
(v) Comprehensive PReP project implementation strategy and results framework designed, including development of a project Theory of Change (ToC), results framework with baselines and milestones, and M&E framework
The consultant will leverage the above outputs to support the design of a comprehensive implementation strategy and associated results framework through the constitution of core and technical advisory groups responsible for leading the development exercise, definition of project Theory of Change, identification of target groups and targeting strategies, definition of research scope and advocacy strategy and platforms, elaboration of M&E frameworks, development of a comprehensive results framework and associated operational handbooks to guide field action in a harmonized manner across the target areas.
(vi) Proposal submission.
The consultant is responsible for overseeing and coordinating the development of a high quality, credible and winnable project proposal narrative and associated documentation. The consultant is expected to understand and respond fully to DFID's requirements of a submission under BRACED, including addressing feedback from DFID on the initial concept note.
Please note that this is an indicative ToR to solicit Expressions of Interest, and subject to change as the Partnership enters into its planning and budgeting phases over coming weeks, and receives more information from DFID. Any revisions would be agreed with the successful candidate prior to signing contracts.

7. The  Timeframe and Location
The Project Development Phase runs from February through July 2014. The consultancy will be a full-time assignment for the entire period of March through July 2014. The position will be based in Kampala, Uganda or Nairobi, Kenya, with >50 percent travel to field locations in both Kenya and Uganda expected.

8. The Budget
Please provide costs in the EOI. However, the Partnership will be responsible for all logistical arrangements and coordination for the workshop and expenses for attendance and travel in the region. The Partnership will also cover the PDP expenses of pilot studies and baselines as already agreed with DFID including a maximum of 3 technical staff that will be recruited by and work under the consultant. The consultant will be responsible for the general overview, follow up and management of the PDP budget, however all financial decision will be validated by the PReP Steering Committee.

9. The Profile of Consultant

Required Are:
  • Demonstrated coordination, facilitation, negotiation, brokering and consensus-building, teamwork and partnership development skills.
  • Climate change adaptation, resilience building, and/or sustainable livelihoods profile.
  • Track record of leading on successful long term funding proposal development (DFID, USAID, EU etc.).
  • Exceptional communication skills and excellent written English.
  • Understanding of DFID's resilience work.
Desirable Are:
  • Experience of writing successful DFID proposals.
  • Previously worked on INGO consortium resilience building projects
  • Demonstrated budget and staff management skills
  • Demonstrated experience of publishing technical, policy, or programmatic outputs from the region.
  • Understanding of chronic and acute crises in the Karamoja Cluster (Karamoja, West Pokot and Turkana) and working experience in the region.
10.The  Application Procedure
Interested parties should send their applications by email to Melinda Lee, by the 20th of February 2014, under reference: PReP BRACED Application Form. We will consider applications from both individuals and teams. Only shortlisted applications will be contacted.
Applications should include:
  • Up-to-date curriculum vitae
  • One supporting document of up to 3 pages outlining previous achievements and core competencies in line with the assignment, the proposed methodology of work including timeframe, location and financial expectations.
  • Evidence of past experience in undertaking similar assignments (three most recent documents of similar works done)
  • At least three previous clients and their contacts.
Application Closing date: 20th of February 2014
You can contact the employer at: Employers website

Social Policy & Economic Specialist - job from UNICEF - United Nations Children's Fund: Kampala, Uganda

Position title:  Social Policy & Economic Specialist

The Purpose of the Position
You will work closely with the Ministry of Finance, Planning and Economic Development and other sector ministries to:
  1. Under the general guidance of the Social Policy Specialist and close coordination with Alive, Safe and Learning team leaders carry out analysis of the budget and budgeting process and actively participate in relevant budget meetings and events to help ensure effective budget changes that favor women and children within the UNICEF areas of work, with a particular focus on health budgeting.
  2. Analyze the Social policy environment and generate evidence for effective advocacy for social budgeting with direct impact on the MDG areas for acceleration.
  3. Participate in relevant sector meetings and working groups including the Development partners economists group and development partner working groups. Develop key policy briefs for the focus areas and engage in budget revision at national and district levels to influence the allocation.
  4. Ensure all UNICEF work, agreements, partnerships, advocacy etc. promotes the achievement of child mortality reduction.
  5. Provide technical assistance to harmonize existing health sector costing using `Marginal Budgeting for Bottlenecks` (MBB) Tool and develop and/or strengthen capacity within the Ministry of Health and at District level for the effective application of the MBB tool.
  6. Analyse UDHS, UNHS and other relevant household surveys to provide relevant analysis for UNICEF advocacy, particularly in the area of health.
The Key Expected Results
  1. Analysis of the national and district budgets focusing on the areas of acceleration to achieve the MDGs. Actively participate in relevant budget related meetings.
  2. Prepare policy papers that on UNICEF work areas that will form the basis for advocacy with Government, bilateral partners and NGOs.This should include as relevant focus analysis of relevant household surveys.
  3. Active engagement with Social Sector ministries and relevant development partner meetings to advocate for increased budget allocation and accountability by the sectors with a focus on the health sector.
  4. Support Budget reviews at district level and provide technical support to district officials in rational budget allocation in key areas of UNICEF Uganda`s work
  5. Provide technical assistance to harmonize existing health sector costings using MBB with a focus on costing of the Child Survival Strategy and harmonizing it with the the Road map on Maternal and Neonatal Mortality Reduction. Develop and/ or strengthen capacity within the Ministry of Health and at District level for the effective application of the MBB tool.
  6. In close collaboration with other UN agencies and bilateral partners influence the budget support review and influence its allocation towards achieving the MDGs
  7. Identify and initiate socio economic studies required for improved advocacy towards resource allocation.
  8. Participates in the preparation of all programme reports for management, Board, donors, budget reviews, programme analysis, annual reports, etc.
The Qualifications of Successful Candidate -
  • Advanced university degree in economics, development planning, social policy, administration and or related fields.* -
  • Five years of progressively responsible relevant work experience at national or international levels in social policy and economic and policy analysis. Experience in working within the health sector and/or within multilateral financing institutions an advantage. -
  • Good knowledge of economics and financing of social development. -
  • Quantitative and qualitative research skills. Ability to handle and analyse DHS surveys using Stata and/or SPSS would be a considerable asset. -
  • Fluency in English is required.
  • *A first level university degree with a relevant combination of academic qualifications and experience may be accepted in lieu of the advanced university degree.
Key Skills and Competencies of Successful Candidate -
  • Communicates effectively to varied audiences, including during formal public speaking. -
  • Able to work effectively in a multi-cultural environment. -
  • Sets high standards for quality of work and consistently achieves project goals. -
  • Has good leadership and supervisory skills; co-ordinates group activities, ensuring that roles within the team are clear. -
  • Translates strategic direction into plans and objectives. -
  • Analyzes and integrates diverse and complex quantitative and qualitative data from a wide range of sources. -
  • Quickly builds rapport with individuals and groups; maintains an effective network of individuals across organizational departments. -
  • Identifies urgent and potentially difficult decisions and acts on them promptly; initiates and generates team- and department-wide activities. -
  • Demonstrates, applies and shares expert technical knowledge across the organization.
UNICEF is committed to diversity and inclusion within its workforce, and encourages qualified female and male candidates from all national, religious and ethnic backgrounds, including persons living with disabilities, to apply to become a part of our organisation.

How tot apply for this Job
Apply from: Employers website
The Applications Closing date: Friday, 21 February 2014

Supply Manager, Job at UNICEF - United Nations Children's Fund - Kampala, Uganda

Position title:  Supply Manager

The Purpose of the Position
Under the overall supervision of the Chief of Operations, the incumbent will be responsible for and manage the country programme and administrative supply and contracting operation of a large size country office with a throughput of approximately 50 million dollars a year. The incumbent will also be responsible for the overall forecasting, planning, procurement, receiving, distribution and end-use monitoring of UNICEF's supplies and contractual services in support of the Country Programme in the UNICEF office.

The Key Expected Results
1. Undertake supply assessment within the country and conduct market research, identify and recommend legitimate local suppliers or contractors through systematic evaluation and maintaining a database of potential and active suppliers/contractors. Also, maintain data on local supply sources' and overall performance, (competitive pricing, product quality and timely delivery) of suppliers/contractors. Assess supply operations and control mechanisms and advise on appropriate actions.
2. Manage and supervise the supply staff to ensure qualitative and timely procurement and delivery of supplies and services (28 m/year). In coordination with Senior Programme Coordinator and programme sections, develop and implement an emergency preparedness and response plan for a prompt response during any emergency situations. Develop supply monitoring system for emergency supply monitoring to ensure utilization of supplies for the expected purpose and highest level of accountability to the donors and other cooperating partners.
3. Manage all programme and administration related supplies and Service contracts (institutional) in a legal and cost-effective manner. In coordination with programme sections arrange briefings to prospective bidders for submission of proposals and monitor timely completion and evaluation of performance.
4. Interpret and advise country office on policies and procedures impacting offshore and local procurement of supplies and delivery. Oversee preparation of appropriate documentation, i.e., supply, technical, distribution plans; accurate supply and service requisitions; bid/proposal invitations; tabulations; CRC submissions; Purchase orders; SSA contracts;shipping documents; receipts, release and delivery orders; government receipts; and deviation reports related to these documents.
5. Advice Programme/Operations and Government counterparts on technical specification of supplies/Logistics planning,contracting and Procurement Services, Logistics arrangements facilitating efficient procurement, clearance, storage and distribution of supplies and equipment in support of country programme implementation. Be responsible for assessment of capacity development needs, planning and implementation of capacity building efforts among government and other counterparts on supply procurement, management, storage, distribution and monitoring to ensure timely arrival and utilization with end users at district/project level.
6. In coordination with the Deputy Representative develop supply monitoring guidelines and arrange joint end-use monitoring visits for effective utilization of supplies. Maintain a database, and produce exception and deviation reports as an accountability tool. Initiate actions for systematization of the supply operation for improvement of management, delivery and accountability.
7. Undertake periodic exercise of risk assessment for the supply/procurement/contracting process to determine high-risk areas and put in place control assessment instruments. Advise programme and operations staff on supply/contracting related policies and country supply assessment in broader sense and in following manner.
8. Participate in Country Programme Review Meetings in the districts. Develop analytical MIS reports as monitoring tool and make presentation to Country Management Team for informed decisions.

Required Qualifications of Successful Candidate
- An advanced university degree (Master's) in Business Administration, Management, Economics, Supply Chain Management, Supply, Logistics, Procurement, Purchasing, Contract/commercial Law or a directly related field(s) is required. A valid professional certification (CSCP; CSCM; CPSM; SCMP; etc.) from an accredited supply management institution, in conjunction with a relevant first-level university degree (Bachelor's), may be taken in lieu of an advanced university degree
A first level university degree (Bachelor's) in a relevant technical field (as identified above), in conjunction with ten (10) years of relevant work experience in supply, logistics, purchasing, contracting, administration and/or other related technical fields, may be taken in lieu of an advanced university degree (Master's).
- A minimum of eight (8) years of relevant experience, at the national and international levels, in supply, logistics, procurement, purchasing, contracting, administration and/or other related technical fields is required.
- Prior experience in related training and capacity building is considered highly desirable.
- Prior experience and knowledge in cold chain and vaccines management is considered an asset.
- Previous hands on experience in a supervisory/managerial capacity is required.
- Work experience in emergency duty station is an asset.
- Fluency in English (written & verbal) is required. Knowledge of an additional UN Language (Arabic, Chinese, French, Russian, Spanish) is considered an asset.

Key Skills and Competencies of Successful Candidate
-Communicates effectively to varied audiences, including during formal public speaking;
-Sets high standards for quality and consistently achieves project goals;
-Able to work effectively in a multi-cultural environment;
-Analyzes and integrates potentially conflicting numerical, verbal and other data from a number of sources;
-Demonstrates and shares detailed technical knowledge and expertise;
-Ensures that team or department follows relevant company policies and procedures;
-Translates strategic direction into plans and objectives;
-Has good leadership and supervisory skills; co-ordinates group activities, ensuring that roles within the team are clear; -Sets clearly defined objectives and produces comprehensive project plans for the organization.
UNICEF is committed to diversity and inclusion within its workforce, and encourages qualified female and male candidates from all national, religious and ethnic backgrounds, including persons living with disabilities, to apply to become a part of our organisation.

How to apply for this Job
Apply from: Employers website
The Applications Closing date: Friday, 21 February 2014

Senior Coordinator, Human Resources and Administration- jOB AT Clinton Health Access Initiative (CHAI) Kampala, Uganda

Position title: Senior Coordinator, Human Resources and Administration-
Country: Uganda
City: Kampala
Type: Regular – Full Time (eligible for benefits)
Business Unit: Administration
Additional Location Description: Clinton Health Access Initiative (CHAI) Plot 14A Naguru Drive Close, Bukoto, Kampala, Uganda P.O.Box 33252, Kampala, Uganda

Job Overview:
The Clinton Health Access Initiative (CHAI) is a global health organization committed to strengthening integrated health systems in the developing world and expanding access to care and treatment for HIV/AIDS, malaria and other diseases. CHAI's solution-oriented approach focuses on improving market dynamics for medicines and diagnostics; lowering prices for treatment; accelerating access to life-saving technologies; and helping governments build the capacity required for high-quality care and treatment programs.
Since its establishment in 2002 by President William J. Clinton, CHAI has worked on the demand and supply sides of the market to help more than 2 million HIV+ people access the medicines needed for treatment—representing nearly half of all people on HIV treatment in developing countries. Building on this model, CHAI has expanded its scope to include efforts to strengthen healthcare delivery systems and to combat malaria and childhood illnesses.
CHAI Uganda is seeking a highly organized and hard-working Human Resources and Administration Senior Coordinator to undertake a broad range of activities to support the office. The HR and Administration Coordinator will focus on staff welfare, professional development, office management, and administration and will report directly to the Deputy Country Director.

Duties and Responsibilities:
  • Support the formulation and implementation of HR, administration and staff welfare policies
  • Ensure that CHAI's HR policies and practices are compliant with Ugandan law and CHAI global policies, including recruiting, benefits, and work authorization
  • Manage staff welfare, conflict resolution, and grievance handling to create and foster a productive work environment
  • Oversee the staff recruitment process and develop a database to track applicants and ensure an efficient process and timely feedback
  • Work with the Deputy Country Director and Program Managers to develop and implement a comprehensive professional development strategy, including organizational learning, new skills acquisition, and talent development
  • Track staff leave days and generate a leave tracker report on a monthly basis
  • Maintain CHAI personnel files and ensure that all individual records are up-to-date
  • Coordinate with insurance vendor to ensure provision of top quality medical coverage for staff and their families
  • Liaise with CHAI's legal, security and compliance teams
  • Support procurement and monitor stock of office supplies, kitchen supplies and programmatic materials; maintain a tracking system for office equipment
  • Monitor and oversee the general appearance and maintenance of the office
  • Ensure that appropriate arrangements for visitors are made, including pickups, hotel and air bookings, and other travel arrangements; maintain a visitors log
  • Maintain a list of service providers and contacts, developing and adhering to agreed rates
  • Organize meetings and conferences, including coordination with external parties and organization on venues, food, transport, etc.
  • Generate letters and communications to support office administration
  • Ensure the proper filing of important documents (hard and soft copies)
  • Other responsibilities, as needed
Skills and Qualifications:
  • First degree, ideally in Business Administration, HR or other related field; post graduate training is an added advantage
  • Minimum of 5 years work experience in office administration and/or human resources
  • Competent computer skills, particularly in Word and Excel
  • Ability to handle multiple tasks simultaneously, set priorities and work independently
  • Ability to learn on the job quickly and absorb/synthesize a broad range of information
  • Strong communications skills—both written and oral
  • Strong work ethic and flexibility
Key Advantages:
  • Experience with procurement and/or accounting
  • Post-graduate training in HR Management
  • Prior experience working for an international NGO
  • Advanced knowledge of Uganda labor laws
How to apply for this Job
Apply at:

Application Closing date: Contact the employer

M&E Manager Advert, Jobs at AAH-I- Kenya, Somalia, South Sudan, Uganda, Zambia

Position title:  Monitoring and Evaluation Manager Advert
Kenya, Somalia, South Sudan, Uganda, Zambia

Reports to: Technical Director
Liaises with: AAH-I Directors, Country Programme Manager Kenya, Other Directorate Staff, Country Directors/Teams, donor reps and other NGO M&E staff

Working under the direction of the Technical Director, the M&E Manager will ensure high quality program information is available and used to promote program accountability, learning, and improvement. The job-holder will perform quality control and regular audit of the program progress and results. S/he will also provide informed and independent professional advice to the national programmes with a view to improving the delivery process and achieving high impact outcomes. Personal specifications will include excellent statistical acumen, investigative skills and writing skills. The M&E Manager will lead in the use of the M&E software to measure programming impact, capture learning, and manage the knowledge bank. S/he will be key in the implementation of the AAH-I strategic plan, making sure that data on the M&E indicators is collected, analysed and shared to monitor progress of programmes towards the desired impact.

M&E systems' development
  • Design and maintain a monitoring and evaluation system for the programs that produces timely and accurate data capture.
  • Lead in revision of the program indicators and results matrix whenever appropriate and based on program experience
  • Master and lead in the use of the M&E software and other technological innovations for collecting and analyzing data so as to measure programming impact.
Evaluation and impact assessment
  • Develop, standardize and deploy survey tools, and other data collection forms to realize the effective use of monitoring plans.
  • With stakeholders, set out the framework and procedures for evaluating program activities and outcomes
  • Review existing social and economic data, including methods employed in data collection to ensure they are fit for use as baseline statistics for impact evaluation
  • Based on the review of existing data on the area, draw up the TOR for, design and cost out a baseline survey, needs assessments, and impact evaluations
  • Design appropriate tools for conducting participatory discussions with groups of clients
  • Implement and improve existing monitoring tools for staff to ensure the appropriateness of the program and to gauge its impact, including a system of recording and presenting relevant data.
  • Design and oversee rigorous evaluations of the impact and scalability of programs.
  • Support external program evaluation missions (mid-term and end-project evaluations), where external project evaluations are commissioned
Information / knowledge management
  • Prepare consolidated program progress reports for management submission to relevant bodies. Also guide partner agencies in preparing their progress reports.
  • Mentor staff on quality report writing, keeping in mind the donor and all other stakeholder requirements.
  • Create regular discussion forums for cross-sharing and debating on M&E findings and processes.
  • Document and disseminate key findings from program studies and evaluations in accessible forms that can influence program design and donor policies.
M&E capacity building
  • Develop a plan for project-related capacity-building on M&E and for any computerbased support that may be required
  • Train project staff on the efficient use of the M&E software and other tools, ensuring they all understand the importance of M&E to programming
  • Train program staff and local partners on the logical framework, data management, data analysis and results-oriented programming, basic surveying and sampling techniques, monitoring and evaluation methods and principles and report writing techniques and requirements for AAH-I donors.
  • Supervise training of partners in M&E and reporting and engage them in monitoring their own projects.
Quality assurance
  • Conduct periodic client audits/visits also with a view of identifying success stories.
  • Ensure all trainings delivered to staff and partners are properly and timely documented.
  • Re-constitute Country M&E Focal Teams and capacity build them on their roles to ensure full functionality
  • Work with Country M&E Focal teams and partner agency M&E team to agree and execute periodic progress monitoring and reporting, in line with the overall reporting timelines.
  • Identify the need and draw up ToRs for specific project studies.
  • Travel to the country programmes to monitor and evaluate projects, train staff, and roll out new tools and software
  • Technical oversight of all M&E staff
  • Master's degree in statistics, project management, or related fields.
  • At least 5 years' experience as a M&E officer in an INGO
  • Excellent end-user skills in a M&E software commonly used by INGOs
  • Previous experience with EED and USAID donors.
  • Familiarity with the Results Framework and Logical Framework approaches is required.
  • Experience in M&E methods and approaches (including quantitative, qualitative and participatory)
  • Experience delivering capacity building programs in the economic development sector for multiple stakeholders such as women's groups, youth groups and CSOs.
  • Demonstrated experience and skill in information analysis and writing comprehensive and high quality reports.
  • Familiarity with and a supportive attitude towards processes of strengthening local organizations and building local capacities for self-management.
  • Advanced computer skills in all MS Office programmes.
  • Prior management experience and strong organizational skills
  • Excellent oral and written English skills
Interested candidates can email applications together with CVs (indicating day telephone number, a functional email address and contact details for 3 referees) should be addressed to: to be received by Friday 25th January, 2014 at 5:00 pm. The email Subject Line must show the job title of the position applied for. AAH is an equal-opportunity employer and women are strongly encouraged to apply. Due to the urgency of the positions, applications will be reviewed as they are received and only those selected for the interviews will be contacted.

The Application Closing date: Tuesday, 25 February 2014
You can contact the employer at:

Program Manager - Dispensers for Safe Water (DSW), - Job at Abdul Latif Jameel Poverty Action Lab (J-PAL) Kampala, Uganda

Position title:   Program Manager - Dispensers for Safe Water (DSW)

Report To: Deputy Regional Director of Africa
Job Location: Kampala, Uganda with occasional domestic and international travel

The Start Date: Immediately, Applications considered on a rolling basis

Background about Innovations for Poverty Action (IPA):
IPA is an international non-profit research organization. Based in New Haven, CT, with offices in Washington, D.C. and worldwide, IPA works with development partners and academic researchers to create and evaluate approaches to solving development problems, to communicate 'what works' in development and to scale up successful projects in a variety of fields, including health, education, microfinance, governance and agriculture.

About the Evidence Action:
Evidence Action is a new organization working in partnership with IPA to scale proven interventions. IPA has played in important role incubating technical assistance and service delivery programs, such as the Dispensers for Safe Water program and the Deworm the World Initiative. The management and further growth of these 'scale up' initiatives is transitioning to Evidence Action.IPA will continue to provide support for these programs during their transition period.

About Dispensers for Safe Water Program:
Each year, over 1.8 million children under the age of five die from diarrhea, a leading cause of which is unsafe drinking water. Dispensers for Safe Water (DSW) is an entrepreneurial team tasked with scaling chlorine dispensers – a proven innovation that dramatically expands access to water treatment at an extremely low cost. The dispensers program is growing rapidly: we currently serve over 200,000 people in Uganda, and over 1 million in Kenya. Our goal is to provide 25 million people in multiple countries with on-going access to safe water to reduce the disease burden by 2018.

About the Position:
We arelooking for a motivated individual who is passionate about using operational and people management experience to build a high-performing rural service delivery program and strong team to eventually serve 9 million Ugandans with access to safe water.
As the head of DSW's second largest country program, the Uganda Program Manager is a key member of our leadership team. DSW's program in Uganda will continue to grow rapidly over the next years, breaking new ground in scale and operations while serving as a model and resource for new country programs. The new Program Manager will be a strong leader and manager who can guide and build our team in Uganda, translating DSW's innovative financing (e.g. carbon crediting) and partnership opportunities into a nationwide program with world-class operations.
Our mission in Uganda is no less than to provide safe water to the millions of Ugandans who cannot currently access it. DSW's Uganda team has made tremendous progress by piloting operational models, building partnerships, and reaching over 200,000 people. The new Program Manager will build on the team's experience and innovation, leveraging technology and streamlined field operations to reach 9 million people by 2018. Day to day, the Program Manager will work with the Uganda field teams to build a platform for top-tier implementation and roll-out thousands of chlorine dispensers across Uganda.

Duties and Responsibilities:
  • Build a high-performing program serving millions of Ugandans
  • Translate the goals of 3 million people served by end of 2015 and 9 million Ugandans served by 2018 into a concrete strategic vision and plan;
  • Create and strengthen program delivery systems to ensure high-quality implementation and service delivery (e.g. a GPS-enabled circuit rider model for the chlorine supply chain);
  • Responsibility for Uganda P&L of USH 2.5 billion (~$1M USD) annually (and growing), and the oversight and leadership on financial and administrative functions that entails;
  • Lead performance management and professional development across the Uganda program;

  • Lead the Uganda team and oversee team growth and development essential for successful nationwide chlorine dispenser service delivery
  • Develop program operations strategy and lead activities between field operations, research/evaluation, information systems and support functions;
  • Provide supervision, guidance and support to the program management team, developing team members into future leaders of our initiative;
  • Generate, manage and share knowledge for continuous program improvement;
  • Forge and strengthen partnerships with government and other organizations which leverage DSW's ability to deliver high-impact programs;
  • Contribute to setting program-wide research and development priorities.
Skills and Qualifications, Experience and Skills
  • Track record of inspiring and empowering teams with the right level of structure and direction (at least 3 years of senior management experience);
  • Experience leading scale-focused work with a major operations component – building systems, bringing together organizational functions, and developing teams with the ability to reach millions of people;
  • High level of comfort with information technology and databases;
  • Experience working in the water sector desirable;
  • Work experience in managing a cross-cultural team, ideally in Uganda/East Africa;
  • Demonstrated knowledge of working on policy and partnerships desirable;
  • A critical, analytical, and process-oriented thinker with a willingness to form and adjust opinions based on evidence;
  • Inspired by our mission of cost-effectively bringing safe water to millions of Ugandans
  • Track record of being a good steward of program funding and responsibly managing resources; alignment with our philosophy of building cost-effective program
  • A strong commitment to evidence-based practice and policy in the development field;
  • An entrepreneurial spirit – the ability to lead in a fast-moving start-up environment;
  • A sense of humor
  • Willingness to spend ~50% of the time in the field in rural Uganda and Kenya
Application Instructions:
Please follow the application instructions below. Any applications or CVs submitted outside this process will not be considered. Note, only short-listed candidates will be contacted for an interview. Applicants will be reviewed on a rolling basis.

2) Send an email to and cc, following these instructions exactly:
  • In the subject line: Copy exactly the following position line:101136IPAUganda, Program Manager
  • In the email body: Put your full name, first (given) name followed by last (family) name
  • Attachments: Please attach ONLY your cover letter and CV
Please do not include any text besides your name in the body of the e-mail. Adding extra text will interfere with the processing of your application.
IPA is an Equal Opportunity Employer/Affirmative Action Employer.
All persons shall have the opportunity to be considered for employment without regard to their race, color, religion, national origin, ancestry, alienage or citizenship status, age, disability, sex, sexual orientation, veteran status or any other characteristic protected by applicable federal, state or local laws.
IPA will endeavor to make a reasonable accommodation to a qualified applicant with a disability unless the accommodation would impose an undue hardship on the operation of our business. If you believe you require such assistance to complete this form or to participate in an interview, please contact us at

DISCLAIMER: The above statements are intended to describe the general nature and level of the work to be performed by the Program Manager. The statements are not intended to be an exhaustive list of all possible duties, tasks, and responsibilities. Management reserves the right to amend and change responsibilities to meet organizational needs as necessary. Please note that IPA will never request any form of payment from an applicant. Applicants are encouraged to confirm the information listed above with IPA prior to releasing any extensive personal information to the organization. Please direct questions to

Deadline to apply: Applicants are reviewed on a rolling basis

You can Contact the employer at:

Gender Mainstreaming and Humanitarian Consultant- Job at UNDP - United Nations Development Programme Kampala

Position title: Gender Mainstreaming and Humanitarian Consultant

Job Location : Kampala, UGANDA
Additional Job Category: Women's Empowerment
The Type of Contract : Individual Contract
The Post Level : International Consultant
Languages Requirements : English
The Starting Date : (date when the selected candidate is expected to start) 15-Mar-2014
The Duration of Initial Contract : 6 months
The Expected Duration of Assignment : 6 months

Organiation Background
The United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women (UN Women) was established to accelerate progress on meeting the needs for women and girls worldwide. UN Women supports UN Member States as they set global standards for achieving gender equality, and work with governments and civil society to design laws, policies, programmes and services needed to implement these standards.

UN Women stands behind women's equal participation in all aspects of life, focusing on five priority areas: increasing women's leadership and participation; ending violence against women; engaging women in all aspects of peace and security processes; enhancing women's economic empowerment; and making gender equality central to national development planning and budgeting. UN Women also coordinates and promotes the UN system's work in advancing gender equality.

Gender perspective in humanitarian action is vital to understanding the different needs of women, girls, boys and men in order to generate positive and sustainable outcomes. In times of crisis gender roles and dynamics change, women often resort to negative coping mechanisms and GBV becomes more prevalent. It is essential to capture these issues in Uganda's humanitarian response, both at the individual programming level in project design and in programme analysis and development.

In recent months there has been a sudden increase in the humanitarian crisis in Uganda. Insecurity in neighbouring countries, such as the Democratic Republic of the Congo and South Sudan, has led to an increase of refugees to Uganda. In addition, food insecurity and malnutrition has risen. The aim of the project is to safeguard Gender Equality in all humanitarian action interventions and coordination mechanisms and ensure women's rights advocates are empowered to voice their needs in humanitarian crisis and beyond.

Major Duties and Responsibilities

The Rationale of the Assignment:
UN Women Uganda, along with humanitarian partners, has identified the need for strengthening gender mainstreaming in the overall humanitarian response. The IASC Gender Marker is used as a tool in order to achieve this. Its main objective is not to simply add gender-sensitive words to a document, but to strengthen programming and analysis based on the different needs, concerns, capacities and contributions of the affected population. In 2014, through this project UN Women will increase efforts on engendering the overall response and the humanitarian coordination structure. UN Women will provide technical support to the UNCT in Uganda in implementing the Gender Marker tool and gender mainstreaming the humanitarian response in Uganda.

The Assignment objective:
The overall goal is to promote gender equality and non-discrimination throughout the humanitarian operation. The expected output is strengthened gender sensitive analysis, programming and implementation in all phases of emergency relief with particular emphasis on improved data and relief. The consultant will report to the UN Women Uganda Deputy Country Representative.

Key/ Specific objectives:
  • Participation in all relevant Government, Donor, UN Agency, NGO humanitarian meetings;
  • Conduct a gender analysis of the South Sudanese refugee crisis in Northern Uganda, with particular attention to the situation of women and girls;
  • Promote the inclusion of gender dimensions and multi sectoral GBV programme response into needs assessments tools, humanitarian programme documents and assists all implementing actors to incorporate gender equality into all funding appeal documents;
  • Facilitate 2 training workshops for humanitarian actors on implementing the Gender Marker, in partnership with UNHCR, UNFPA, WFP, FAO and UNRCO;
  • Review and analysis of humanitarian response documents, including providing technical inputs into UN/GoU resilience strategy (Refugee and Host Community Empowerment - ReHOPE), prepares a Gender Mainstreaming action plan and makes recommendations;
  • Identify UN Women's interventions in UN/GoU Sustainable Livelihood Strategy and in ReHOPE;
  • Develop a fund raising proposal for UN Women interventions;
  • Develop a gender mainstreaming action plan for all sectors in cooperation with partners;
  • Establish a gender network of humanitarian and development partners at both national and local level;
  • Prepare monthly reports/updates to UN Women Country Office, RO, and HQ;
  • Identify strategic programme opportunities, approaches and modalities for strengthening gender and humanitarian action, in close collaboration with national development stakeholders and partners;
  • Liaise with relevant UN Women Thematic Section in the Regional Center in Nairobi and Headquarters, notably those in policy and program divisions for effectively technical support, project management and quality assurance, to ensure adequate provision of services, flow of information and the project's compliance with its obligations;
  • Perform other tasks as required.
About the Deliverables and reporting arrangements:

The Deliverables:
  • A detailed mission report that provides a gender analysis of South Sudanese refugee issues;
  • A Gender Mainstreaming humanitarian action in Uganda Strategy and action plan developed;
  • 2 Gender Marker/ gender mainstreaming trainings conducted;
  • Gender specific technical inputs to the UN/GoU Sustainable Livelihood Strategy and in ReHOPE;
  • A gender and humanitarian partners network;
  • A mapping of agencies working on gender and humanitarian action, including donor mapping;
  • A funding raising proposal to support UN Women's work on gender and humanitarian action;
  • Regular briefings to the Country Representative on the weekly interagency meetings, bringing to the attention key follow up issues;
  • Monthly update report prepared, and as appropriate regular reports on weekly interagency meetings of various stakeholder meetings.
Key skills and Competencies

The Corporate Competencies:
  • Integrity, professionalism and respect for diversity;
  • Demonstrated sensitivity, discretion, tact;
  • Commitment to advancement of gender equality and women's rights;
  • Commitment to upholding the organizational values and principles of UN Women.
The Functional Competencies:
  • Very strong communication and interpersonal skills, demonstrated ability to build trust;
  • Excellent organizational and planning skills;
  • Ability to apply judgment in the context of assignments given, plan own work and manage conflicting priorities;
  • Demonstrated ability to contribute to multi-disciplinary teams and to work with and influence people from diverse backgrounds;
  • Writing skills that include an attention to detail as well as a grasp of conceptual frameworks;
  • Excellent communication, reporting and capacity building skills;
  • Sharing knowledge across the organization and building a culture of knowledge sharing and learning;
  • Strong computer skills, including word processing, presentation packages (Power Point), Internet, etc;
  • Strong skills in the application of communication technologies;
  • Ability to travel and work in humanitarian settings and in a multicultural environment;
The Technical Competencies:
  • Technical knowledge and expertise in gender and humanitarian issues;
  • Issues and risks affected program implementation are identified early and addressed effectively;
  • Good conceptual and analytical capacity is required;
  • Good presentation skills and good technical knowledge on gender and humanitarian issues, and gender marker in particular;
  • Ability to explain complex gender and humanitarian issues in a simple way, to raise awareness in a participatory approach and in a consensual manner with respect for various levels of understanding, professional abilities and cultural differences.
Key Required Skills and Experience

  • Advanced University Master's degree in Development Studies, Social Sciences, International Relations, and including course work relating to gender equality and women's rights.
  • At least 4 years of progressively responsible international experience in mainstreaming gender equality in humanitarian issues, preferably with UN and INGOs;
  • Experience implementing the IASC Gender Marker in humanitarian context, including facilitating trainings for clusters;
  • Experience in advocacy work around gender and humanitarian issues;
  • Strong technical competence in gender equality issues, Gender Based Violence (GBV) women's rights frameworks;
  • Familiarity of humanitarian coordination mechanisms, systems and structures within UN and INGOs;
  • Understanding of funding facilities for humanitarian responses and in drafting program proposals for resource mobilization;
  • Understanding of the work of UN Women and the broad range of issues and concepts around gender mainstreaming humanitarian responses;
  • Understanding of gender humanitarian issues in Africa;
  • Experience in the usage of computers and office software packages, experience in handling of web based management systems, preferably PeopleSoft.
The Language Requirements:
  • Proficiency in written and spoken English;
  • Knowledge of another UN language an asset.
UNDP is committed to achieving workforce diversity in terms of gender, nationality and culture. Individuals from minority groups, indigenous groups and persons with disabilities are equally encouraged to apply. All applications will be treated with the strictest confidence.

How to apply For this Job
Apply at:

Application Closing date: Friday, 28 February 2014

Chief of Section, Job at UNSOA - United Nations Support Office for African Union Mission in Somalia- Entebbe, Uganda

Position title: CHIEF OF SECTION, P5
The Department/ Office: United Nations Assistance Mission in Somalia
The Duty Station: ENTEBBE

The Job Opening number: 14-PRO-UNSOM-32881-F-ENTEBBE (M)
United Nations Core Values: Integrity, Professionalism, Respect for Diversity

The Organizational Setting and Reporting
This position is located in the United Nations Support Office for AMISOM which is one of the United Nations Peacekeeping Missions.

Key Duties and Responsibilities
  • Within delegated authority and depending on location, the Chief of Section, Procurement is responsible for the following duties:
  • Plans, develops and manages the procurement activities of the Procurement Section involving multi-million dollar expenditures for worldwide procurement of a broad range of commodities and services.
  • Serves as principal advisor to senior officials; provides authoritative technical and policy advice and support on all aspects of procurement;
  • Develops and disseminates best practices and ensures the highest levels of quality and accuracy of the Procurement Section's work.
  • Leads and directs RPO's Procurement Section; plans and allocates work assignments; coaches, mentors, and evaluates staff; participates in recruitment and selection of new staff and in the development of training programs.
  • Analyzes unusually complex and/or critical procurement proposals of significant financial or operational impact; determines appropriate strategy/approach to best serve institutional interests, and ensures implementation, including the authorization of exceptions to established rules, practices and procedures, as necessary.
  • Directs, manages and conducts planning, solicitation, negotiation, and, if necessary, termination of contractual and procurement action.
  • Authorizes up to approve limit, or recommends authorization of procurement contracts/purchase orders.
  • Develops proposals on revisions to procurement policies and procedures; develops and recommends strategy for the effective implementation of procurement policies, reforms and internal controls.
  • Represents the organization in key meetings with senior officials internally and government officials, and in negotiations with senior executives of various commercial organizations for the purpose of concluding major contracts.
  • Ensures that Acquisition Plans are in place in advance of the procurement cycle and ensure that they are properly laid out in order to carry out successful procurement activities in a timely and efficient manner in accordance with all financial and procurement guidelines.
  • Carries out programmatic/managerial tasks necessary for the functioning of the Procurement Section including budget preparation and staffing actions.
  • Performs other duties as required.
Skills and Competencies

PROFESSIONALISM: Knowledge of all facets of international procurement, including state-of-the-art knowledge of procurement and contract principles, techniques, practices, regulations, as well as current knowledge of broader economic and market perspective. Able to work and cooperate with a Regional Procurement Office in view of achieving greater regional sourcing and economy of scale with other field Missions. Knowledge of and experience in cost analysis evaluation techniques, combined with knowledge of administrative and management principles relevant to the direction of procurement operations of significant complexity, volume and financial and/or operational impact. Ability to integrate knowledge with broader strategic, policy and operational objectives. Ability to apply independent judgment and discretion in advising on and handling major procurement issues and problems. Ability to negotiate, persuade and influence others to reach agreement on complex and sensitive issues. Shows pride in work and in achievements; demonstrates professional competence and mastery of subject matter; is conscientious and efficient in meeting commitments, observing deadlines and achieving results; is motivated by professional rather than personal concerns; shows persistence when faced with difficult problems or challenges; remains calm in stressful situations. Provides leadership and takes responsibility for incorporating gender perspectives and ensuring the equal participation of women and men in all areas.

PLANNING & ORGANIZING: Develops clear goals that are consistent with agreed strategies. Identifies priority activities and assignments. Adjusts priorities as required. Allocates appropriate amount of time and resources for completing work. Foresees risks and allows for contingencies when planning. Monitors and adjusts plans and actions as necessary. Uses time efficiently

CLIENT ORIENTATION: Considers all those to whom services are provided to be 'clients ' and seeks to see things from clients' point of view. Establishes and maintains productive partnerships with clients by gaining their trust and respect. Identifies clients' needs and matches them to appropriate solutions. Monitors ongoing developments inside and outside the clients' environment to keep informed and anticipate problems. Keeps clients informed of progress or setbacks in projects. Meets timeline for delivery of products or services to client

MANAGING PERFORMANCE: Delegates the appropriate responsibility, accountability and decision-making authority. Makes sure that roles, responsibilities and reporting lines are clear to each staff member. Accurately judges the amount of time and resources needed to accomplish a task and matches task to skills. Monitors progress against milestones and deadlines. Regularly discusses performance and provides feedback and coaching to staff. Encourages risk-taking and supports creativity and initiative. Actively supports the development and career aspirations of staff. Appraises performance fairly.
JUDGMENT/ DECISION-MAKING: Identifies the key issues in a complex situation, and comes to the heart of the problem quickly. Gathers relevant information before making a decision. Considers positive and negative impacts of decisions prior to making them. Takes decisions with an eye to the impact on others and on the Organization. Proposes a course of action or makes a recommendation based on all available information. Checks assumptions against facts. Determines that the actions proposed will satisfy the expressed and underlying needs for the decision. Makes tough decisions when necessary.
Advanced university degree (Master's degree or equivalent) in business administration, public administration, commerce, engineering, law or related area. A first-level university degree in combination with a relevant combination of academic qualifications and experience may be accepted in lieu of the advanced university degree. Certification in the Management Development Program or an equivalent Management Development course is desirable.

Work Experience
A minimum of ten years of progressively responsible experience in procurement, or related functions such as contracting, logistics and/or supply chain management in multicultural institutions is required, of which at least five years should be directly related to recent first hand purchasing experience at the international level. Experience in the implementation and use of eCommerce tools such as eSourcing, eProcurement, eCatalogs, eInvoicing is desirable. Firsthand experience in conducting procurement at the international level for an inter-governmental organization(s), governmental organization(s), or large mulit-national organizations(s) is desirable'

Fluency in one of the working languages of the UN Secretariat, English or French, (both oral and written) is required; knowledge of the other is desirable. Knowledge of another UN official language is an advantage
Assessment Method
Evaluation of qualified candidates may include an assessment exercise which may be followed by competency-based interview.

Special Notice
This 'Recruit from Roster' job opening is only open to roster applicants who are already placed on pre-approved rosters, following a review by a United Nations Central Review Body. Only roster applicants who were placed on rosters with similar functions at the same level are considered to be eligible candidates. Eligible applicants receive an email inviting them to apply. Rostered applicants are encouraged to apply only if they are interested and available to take up the position at the duty station/s specified in the Job Opening. Applying to this job opening carries an expectation to accept the offer, if selected.

The United Nations Considerations
The United Nations shall place no restrictions on the eligibility of men and women to participate in any capacity and under conditions of equality in its principal and subsidiary organs. (Charter of the United Nations - Chapter 3, article 8). The United Nations Secretariat is a non-smoking environment.

No Fee Disclaimer

How to Apply for this Job
Apply at:

Application Closing date: Thursday, 6 March 2014

Principal Associate / Chief of Party, Jobs in Uganda at Abt Associates

Position title:  Principal Associate / Chief of Party

The Organization Overview
The International Health Division is committed to the improvement of health and healthcare delivery around the world. Serving both the public and private sectors, our efforts include health policy research and evaluation, health promotion and disease prevention, health finance, and health systems management. Our impact is felt in policies that ensure healthcare access for women, children, and individuals with special needs, in strengthening health infrastructures, and HIV/AIDS solutions.

Key Duties and Responsibilities
Abt Associates anticipates bidding on a USAID-funded PMI ("President's Malaria Initiative") Project in Uganda to support the National Malaria Control Program (NMCP) in the expansion of diverse areas of malaria programming.
Under the supervision of a Portfolio Manager, the Principal Associate / Chief of Party provides technical leadership, management, and strategic direction for the Project. This position is responsible for guiding senior technical staff and for ensuring the responsiveness and quality of work along with efficient use of resources and achievement of results. The Chief of Party has the final authority within the project team for decisions related to technical, management, resource allocation and personnel issues, and will be accountable for the successful implementation of all aspects of the project.

The Specific duties and responsibilities include the following:
  • Provides leadership and strategic direction for the entire project, resolves problems, and has overall responsibility and accountability to USAID for ensuring that the Abt project team provides high-quality technical products and services, delivers required results, and uses resources efficiently.
  • Holds responsibility for project inputs, project strategy, external representation and coordination with Project counterparts, USAID, PMI, and other USG entities, and NMCP contacts, other donors within the sector and other programs, as necessary.
  • Ensures compliance with the project contract requirements and the oversight of project interventions which will meet the stated objectives of the project.
  • Meets with the USAID AOR on a regular basis to keep him/her updated about the project.
  • Ensures the timely preparation and submission of semi-annual, annual and other reports specified in the agreement.
  • Monitors the progress and pace of project implementation, ensures that project performance meets the client's expectations, and brings to USAID's attention any issues and concerns regarding project implementation in a systematic and timely manner.
  • As the official representative of Abt Associates, ensures the success of the project, and be liable for any failure, on behalf of the organization.
  • Supervises the project's Senior Management Team and has the final authority within the Team for decisions related to technical, management, resource allocation, and personnel issues.
  • Oversees all management/administrative reports and monitoring and evaluation activities in accordance with a Performance Monitoring Plan which monitors progress toward achieving the SO and Intermediate Results.
  • Oversees all financial report activities, including submission of quarterly reports detailing fund categories and status for all activities.
  • Scans the environment and takes leadership actions to maximize opportunities and to strengthen partnerships and alliances
  • Clarifies roles, delegates responsibilities to senior staff, communicates expectations for work and contribution to project activities
  • Represents Abt Associates' corporate interests in Uganda.
The Skills and qualifications / Prerequisites
  • Master's Degree (minimum), or a PhD (desirable), in Public Health, Business Administration, Medicine, Social Sciences, or other relevant field.
  • More than fifteen (15) years of relevant professional experience with a Master's Degree, or 10-15 years with a PhD, designing, implementing and managing large and complex health projects in developing or middle income countries -- relevant experience includes malaria prevention and control, antenatal care services, case management for malaria , and capacity building for supportive supervision or monitoring and evaluation.
  • Demonstrated leadership skills and experience in managing malaria prevention and control interventions
  • Experience interacting with host county governments and counterparts and international donor agencies at high levels and civil society organizations.
  • Experience developing project vision, aligning key stakeholders around that vision, and assuring that the vision is translated into implementable strategies.
  • Ability to develop consensus among stakeholders and to assure effective collaboration among development partners.
  • Demonstrated ability to assure that individuals and teams adhere to the highest standards of quality, relevance and timeliness.
  • Prior experience as a COP of a multi-year donor-funded public sector health project is desirable.
  • Significant experience in scaling-up interventions is highly desirable.
  • Fluency in written and spoken English is required.
  • A Ugandan national would be highly desirable.
Required Minimum Qualifications
MA/MBA with 15+ years of experience OR PhD with 10 - 15 years of experience OR the equivalent combination of education and experience.

Note that this position is located in Uganda.
Abt Associates is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity employer committed to fostering a diverse workforce. Abt Associates provides market-competitive salaries and comprehensive employee benefits.

How to Apply for this Job: 
Contact employer at:
Application Closing date: Un-Known

Peace and Development Internship job at Grassroots Reconciliation Group in uganda

Job title: Peace and Development Intern Location: Gulu, Uganda Organization:    Grassroots Reconciliation Group Job years of experience: 0-...