Organisation: UNDP - United Nations Development Programme
Type of Contract : Individual Contract
Post Level : International Consultant
Languages Required :English
Starting Date : (date when the selected candidate is expected to start) 25-Nov-2013
Duration of Initial Contract : 30 working days
Expected Duration of Assignment : 30 working days
Brief Job Background: UN Women in Uganda contributes to the development objectives of Uganda's blue print, National Development Plan, Vision 2040 and is aligned to the United Nations Development Assistance Frameworks (UNDAF) 2010-2014 as well as UN Women Global Strategic Plan (2014-2017). UN Women is in the process of developing a new country strategy (2014-2015) which is aligned to the UN Women global strategy (2014-2017), UNDAF and Uganda government national priorities for promoting and protecting the rights of women. One of the impact areas in the strategy is to ensure that women, especially the poorest and most excluded, are economically empowered and benefit from development. In Uganda, UN Women aims to support efforts that position women as effective and lead participants at all stages of various agriculture value chains at local, national and regional levels. The intention is to shift women from a level of beneficiaries from basic livelihoods interventions to one of key players in wealth creation through agriculture.
Uganda's development prospects have been enhanced by the confirmation of commercially viable oil deposits in 2006. The development of this industry is seen as potentially expanding economic opportunities of women and men in Uganda through employment for the ordinary citizen and increased revenues. However, an increasing number of studies show that women are more adversely affected than men by externalities associated with extractive industries' activities. Within this context, UN WOMEN intends to also focus on the emerging industry of oil and gas, to ensure that women are key players in the development of this sector.
In this context, UN Women is hiring an international expert consultant to develop a Women Economic empowerment (WEE) Strategic Framework Document and a Funding Proposal that builds on its past and current interventions and adapts the best international and regional practices that have successfully empowered women economically.
Major Duties and Responsibilities
- To develop a strategic framework to guide the work of the UN Women Uganda Country Office on the WEE for the period 2014 – 2017 and;
- To develop a programme document aligned to UN Women Global Corporate Strategy 2014-2017. The program document should have a long-term vision to take into account the new UNDAF (2016-2020) and national planning cycles.
- In the process of developing the two documents, the consultant will build on the stakeholders' consultations held with key national partners and donors;
- Inputs from key UN Women Staff both in Uganda, Regional Office in Nairobi and in HQ will be sought to ensure that UN Women core mandate, comparative advantage, lessons on previous and ongoing WEE programming in Uganda, Africa and global level are incorporated into both documents;
- The consultant will assist the Country Office to present the Funding Proposal to UN Women Project Appraisal Committee. The consultant will revise the Proposal based on the recommendations of UN Women Project Appraisal Committee and submit final version to the Country Office.
Development of UN Women Uganda Women's Economic Empowerment Country strategy and program document:
- Conduct desk review of key UN Women documents including; the concept notes and program documents developed by UN Women Uganda, reports on stakeholder consultations on agriculture and oil and gas and the UN Women ESARO economic empowerment program document, UN Women Country strategy, UN Women Global Strategy, the UNDAF 2013-2015, and relevant National development documents among others;
- Provide a summary on situation/context of women's economic opportunities and challenges in the Agricultural sector and the extractives industry;
- Conduct thorough analysis which indicates UN Women's comparative advantage/ value addition in WEE programming in Uganda, including technical and human resources required to deliver on the strategy and the WEE program;
- Undertake a quick mapping of actors/interventions in the agricultural sector, and specifically those targeting women;
- Hold consultation meetings with key partners including identifying potential implementing partners;
- Propose geographical areas where UN Women's Economic Empowerment program should be carried out, based on the findings of the field missions to Gulu, Moroto and Western Uganda;
- Include lessons and best practices from the region and elsewhere that have had successful impact. In the strategy explain the effective approaches and strategies to promote Women's Economic empowerment;
- Identify strategic partnerships for UN Women to deliver on the strategy, including government, private sector, donors, CBOs, UN agencies, etc;
- The integrated strategy should be based on the foundations of gender equality and human rights, within a vision of situating women as key players in the economic development of Uganda, and within the UN principle of delivering as one.
The product document should contain the key elements of UN Women Program Document format, highlighting the following:
- UN Women's role and comparative advantage;
- Contextual analysis;
- Guided by the UN Women annual work plan for 2014/2015 include the priority areas that UN Women should focus on, highlight different approaches, effective strategies, good practices along with challenges and gaps;
- Identify direct and indirect beneficiarie;
- Specific strategies and activities;
- A clear description of the programme management and implementing modalities. A log frame, budget framework with annual work plan for the various proposed activities, with outcomes, outputs, indicators, activities;
- Identify potential donor(s) to fund the program.
- Methodology and Work plan, submitted within the first 2 days of the consultancy;
- Strategic framework Document on WEE in Uganda 2014-2017;
- Program Document for Funding, in the UN Women Program Document Format, including: Theory of Change, M&E Framework, Contextual Analysis and Justification, Results Based Framework, Budget, including TOR for staffing of the Program, etc.
Core competences:
The selected candidate should have:
- Mature judgment and initiative;
- Ability to think out-of-the-box;
- Ability to present complex issues in simple and clear manner;
- Cultural, gender, religion and age sensitivity and adaptability;
- Ability to work under pressure and deliver high quality results on time;
- Initiative and independence.
- Ability to analyzes and select materials for strengthening strategic alliances with partners and stakeholders field of WEE;
- Ability to document and analyze innovative strategies/best practices and new approaches in women's economic empowerment;
- Ability to generate new ideas and approaches, researches best practices and proposes new, more effective ways of doing things;
- Understands and applies fundamental concepts and principles of a professional discipline or technical specialty relating to WEE;
- Ability to analyzes country situation to identify opportunities for project development;
- Strong facilitation skills, results based management and training.
- Post-Graduate degree in gender and development, women's studies, Economics, social sciences, organizational development or related field.
- Seven years or more years of professional experience in programming for gender equality and women's economic empowerment;
- Strong experience in program design, strategic planning, program management and monitoring and evaluation;
- Experience in women's economic empowerment programming, entrepreneurship development;
- Familiarity with UN Women's economic empowerment programs in Africa;
- Strong experience in proposal writing for the UN and for donors.
- Excellent written and verbal communication skills in English. Knowledge of any UN working language is an asset.
Click here to apply / view the official website of the job
Closing Date: Thursday, 14 November 2013