Friday, 6 December 2013

Call for EOI - Assessment of results for Children Uganda- Job at Save the Children

Job title: Call for EOI - Assessment of results for Children
SAVE THE CHILDREN is the world’s leading independent organisation for children. OUR VISION is a world in which every child attains the right to survival, protection, development and participation.

OUR MISSION is to inspire breakthroughs in the way the world treats children, and to achieve immediate and lasting change in their lives.

Save the Children (SC) has been working in Uganda since 1959. In 2004 Save the Children Uganda was created from a consolidation of SC Norway, Denmark and UK under the leadership of Norway. SC Sweden joined in 2007 and SC US in July 2008. In October 1, 2012, the office transitioned and became a country office under Save the Children International in Uganda (SCIUG).

SCIUG currently works in 36 districts within Child Protection, Child Rights Governance (CRG), Education, Livelihoods and Food Security, Health and HIV/AIDS in development and emergency contexts. SC Norway is the largest contributor to SCI Uganda operations. Total funds for Uganda from SC Norway (private funds and Norad) in the period 2010-2013 have been around 19 million USD. SCN main investment areas are basic quality education, child protection and child rights governance. SCN is currently reviewing all global programs in different geographic areas as part of SCN new strategy for 2014-17 including Uganda.
KEY OBJECTIVES (Please refer to ToR attached for further detail) Based on the current agreement between SC Uganda and Norway, the main purpose of this assessment is two-fold: a. Provide an assessment of key results provided for children with special focus on education, protection and child rights governance in Uganda based on the funding from SC Norway in the years 2010-13. b. Identify factors that have hindered or fostered the implementation capacity of SC Uganda concentrating on the post-transition period (October 2012) and provide recommendations.


 • Inception report including methodological design and framework for the assessment. • Start-up workshop in Uganda with SCI and key stakeholders/partners. • Draft report and presentation of preliminary findings along with conclusions and recommendations (report not exceeding 30 pages and presentation of findings, conclusions and recommendations to SCI SMT Uganda). • Final report in accordance with SCI evaluation standards.

TIMELINE A detailed timeline for deliverables will be developed by the team, but ideally SCN would like to have the final report available by end-March 2014. Fieldwork should take place in January-February 2014. Estimated level of effort: 40-45 working days in total.

Consultants/researcher(s) interested in bidding for this consultancy should fill the following requirements: • Extensive experience and good knowledge of child rights programming and education. • Documented experience in undertaking similar assessments in Uganda and/or East Africa. • Knowledge of Save the Children’s work in Uganda is an advantage. • Ability to communicate and produce a well-written and analytical report in English. • In-depth knowledge of local political, social and economic context in Uganda, including knowledge of national languages is an advantage. • Be familiar with the concept of children’s participation (at least one of the consultants).

All consultants and researchers working with Save the Children must comply with and be committed to SC Child Safeguarding Standards.
How to apply:

Consultancy firms, academic research institution, universities etc. can submit their Expression of Interest (EOI) within 11 December the following: a) Brief proposal of approach and methods (max 3 pages, please note that proposals exceeding 3 pages will not be considered), b) CVs of proposed researchers/consultants including references for team leader. c) Budget for the estimated fees and travel costs (exact calculations will be made after deciding which districts will be covered).

Please send the EOI to; Nora Ingdal, Director of Strategic Analysis, SCN (

With copies for: Joseph Akol, Monitoring and Evaluation Advisor, SCU ( Diane Francisco, Director of Program Development and Quality, Save the Children Uganda ( Hanne Gaup Braa, Area Director East Africa, SCN (

Summary of the whole Job

Job ID: #620740
Career categories: Monitoring and Evaluation
Country: Uganda
Organisation: Save the Children

    Protection and Human Rights
Job years of experience: 5-10 years
Job type:  Consultancy
Application Closing date: 11 Dec 2013

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