Make Sure Your Application Looks Decent.
Many hiring executives rely heavily on the application in the pre-interviewing stage. Spelling errors and sloppy handwriting may effect many job seekers being screened out. Print unless your cursive
Before You Start
•Research about the company, and if probable, the exact job. It is significant to have sufficient knowledge of the company in order to convey your interest in working there.
•Identify at least the top 5-10 skills required for the job you are applying for. Then throughout your application ensure that the descriptions you give of each job you’ve held highlights the skills and experience that match the job you want.
•Print your application from the Internet, or get a copy from the employer so that you can make a draft of your answers or have a “cheat sheet” with pertinent information you can copy from.
•Go prepared when taking your resume, references, and two black pens.
Completing the Application
•Read over the entire application first before submission. Look for instructions in the top of the page and at the beginning of a new section.
•Be arranged: - stay within the boxes, print carefully, and remember grammatical spellings count! If you happen to make a mistake, ask for another application and start over again unless you can correct the mistake without making the application look messy.
•Fill in every blank space. If a question doesn't apply to you, write NA meaning (not applicable) or draw a dash (-) in the space provided.
•List specific jobs you are interested in. Never write the word "anything" it shows that you donot know what you want something employers hate to see.
•Always be honest of yourself when completing applications.
•Be at your best, you may be subjected to be observed by the receptionist or others.